Towards the end of every year we all take time to think about how the year went, what we did and didn’t do, what we are grateful for and lessons we wouldn’t want to repeat. The last months of the year should be a time to replan on how the next year will look like and most importantly pray into the new year.
2020 for me is the end of a new beginning because we made plans some didn’t work out , it took most of us by surprise and disorganised alot of things but then there’s alot the year has brought both good and bad, bad because Covid19 ravaged countries and took lives and left others on home arrest. Lockdown is a thing I’ve never experienced in all my life time, bad because we lost loved ones bad because expectations were cut short.
Good because we learnt to cherish what we have more, we understood the most important things of life, good because despite all the bads there was so much to celebrate for, we learnt to count our blessings we learnt to cherish every waking day like a write up that said.
It’s a year of making good choices. It is indeed the end of a new beginning when we look back it propels us to hope for the best, As we celebrate in this festive period, may blessings of this season be with you and your family’s
Compliments of the season.
Do you make new year resolutions?
How was 2020 for you?
Have you made plans for 2021?
What do you expect from the new year?
Nice post
History Padho