4 Things to do at the beginning of each month
We are 2 weeks into the new month welcome to the month of October I’ve noted that there are things that you could do at the beginning of every new month to be more productive, and help you achieve your goals faster.
1. Pray into every new month
This is is the first thing making this list, as much as you’d see this as unimportant or unnecessary praying and professing positive words into the month helps prepare the atmosphere to work in your favour. That one doesn’t believe in spiritual things doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. Trust me the do and in all honesty this world we live in is controlled more by the spiritual than it is by the physical. So I’d advice we pray into a new month I had to learn this of recent and it’s proved helpful.
2. Review your goals.:
The second thing to do at the beginning of each new month is to review your goals for the year and analyse the progress you’ve made in achieving them, the challenges faced and how to better overcome these challenges and move up the ladder. When we retrace back our steps in trying to learn what works best for us and why we took the decision we made at a certain time it opens doors of understanding and wisdom on how to go about our plans. Reviewing goals and figuring out what didn’t work out or why is underrated. It helps us build and create better plans learning from our mistakes and evolving.

3. Set new goals
The next step is to set new goals, when you don’t plan you plan to fail.
Having analysed the past month setting new short term goals that will help you move closer to your long term goals for the year cannot be over emphasized, this should be a ritual at the beginning of every new month we set goals and work towards them it helps you to better be organised and have a focus on things you’ll be getting involved in and how you’ll invest your time every single day in the new month.
4. Make plans on how to achieve these set goals
Now this what by far determines how much you’ll be able to achieve in the month by making plans on how to achieve these set down goals, not disregarding the fact that you may have already done a run down on how you’ll achieve certain goals in the year, now i’m saying minimise it and figure out how to achieve them in a month, weeks and Days, if you can do this the beginning of each new month and not just only focusing on new month new goals you’ll go a step higher to attain your set down goals
There are numerous things to do at the beginning of a new month but i believe these 4 tops the all up because if you start your new month spiritually cautious, reviewing and analysing how the last month went and things you could do or could’nt do then re-strategising and sething new goal plus the old pending goals that were more difficult to work on, make a workable plan on how you are going to overcome theses obstacles to get your desired aim and results you are on your way to success.
Let’s hear your thoughts
How far have you gone with your goals?
What new goal are you sething today?
Have you reviewed your goals?
You can also read A review on 2021 goals- Lessons Learned. 8 Tips on How to gain financial freedom: getting a job is overrated