Saturday, February 8, 2025

Poem 2024// Forgiveness

A picture of a man seeking for forgiveness from God for his sins.Photo From Pexels by cottonbro



Forgiveness I’ve felt it
And I’ve given it,

It feels like the hardest thing to do,
but when given It burns like wild fire
transcending from the bottom to the top.
encovering the width, length, breath and depth of the heart.

Forgiveness I’ve felt it before
And I’ve given it before too

It tastes like a bitter sweet wine
Irking the taste buds with a sting of sour taste
Leaving the taste buds with an after taste of sweetness

Forgiveness I’ve felt it, withheld it, but slowly given it.

When withheld it feels like a heavy load
Weighing down your every climb
When you choose to go up or down
When withheld it pollutes the mind

Forgiveness, is better given than withheld


By Ihuoma


You can also readPoem: The Wandering Soul   Poem 2022: Wounded Soldier,

La blanche
the authorLa blanche
French tutor and Translator
My name is Eke ihuoma Ugonna I'm a lifestyle blogger, i love writing and sharing my thoughts, my creativity daily experiences and perception of life asides this I'm a linguist by profession, I'm enthusiastic about languages, art, music, nature, photography. I'm a visual artist aswell.

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