It’s been 3 months now since i moved out of my family house and and also changed location. Trust me the feeling is amazing, freedom!! Finally! A few reasons why i think you should move out.
That you can wake up when you choose and generally make decisions for yourself and comeback to a beautiful bed waiting for you to sink in. Trust me it’s awesome until its time to pay bills.
Hey! Guys, it’s feels like it’s been a while i wrote.
So I’ve come to understand that it’s a general feeling for most young people to want to move out and start their own life which is proper, we can’t wait to leave home especially with all the various disturbances and privacy intrusion in a family house, You get to do your own things when you want to and how you want to, you don’t have to face the dramas you cohabit with in a family house like trying to read and someone else is playing loud music or it’s the other way around. worst still when you are sick of your environment. Feels like being in a cage. So yeah, i get that feeling 😂 I’ve been there, done that.

So i moved out in Oct 31st from Port Harcourt down to Osun it’s quite a distance not less than 12hours journey on the road it was really stressful, it felt like when we were newly posted to new environments during the NYSC year ( 1year compulsory national service in Nigeria before you can work officially) though it comes with a different vibe, trying to adapt to the new environment, people, culture and what’s not, it’s fun and interesting .
After my service year I’ve really been looking forward to moving out, like it’s been a major goal for me. If you are a frequent visitor here you’d know how much I’ve been job hunting last year and i talked about moving out, this Job came with a change of location and i happily embraced it.
There are alot of reasons why one should move out. You get to start life in a different environment as the case may be, you get to meet new people, learn a different culture and language it’s a whole amazing experience on it’s own. It’s really been quite interesting for me.
5 good reasons why you should move out

The adventure
It’s always exciting changing to a location you’ve never been to, well that’s if you are an adventure lover or travelling like myself. And if you easily adapt to change. You get to explore and discover new things like people, culture, food and language, it changes your perspective of the world and it opens up your mindset. Sincerely staying at a place is like being in a box.
Moving out comes with freedom, you get to choose what to do and how to go about it, it’s a beautiful kind of freedom that comes with a cost. You live your life the way it literally pleases you.
You start Life
Like literally guys, you start your life, you begin to plan and align to the life you’ve always dreamed about into your present by achieving goals at every given point, drawing you into become your dream person. You plan what it’s going to be like forever. And you just live
You spend your money without being questioned.
Well not everyone gets questioned on how they spend their money but if you are one who is usually questioned or monitored in spending well no one is going to, you take all the responsibilities yourself.
A new environment
I believe a new environment is essential to growth, gives you a different view and perspective on life, gives a more open mindset, feels like a fresh opportunity to express your creativity. You get to see the world too and experience it.
Challenges with living on your own

Definitely there are things you get to enjoy on moving out and the other hand there are things you face as a young adult because it’s a transformational stage into adulthood proper
The real life Adulthood– The challenges of leaving on
Number one thing you experience is the real life, you get to understand and live by the fact that life is full of ups and downs, there are good times and bad times and at all times you have to be your own cheerleader and dust yourself up at every fall or erreur, learn and move on.
Catering for yourself
This should fall under one of the things I’ve mentioned so far but decided to talk on it differently because… It’s a major thing, you become responsible for yourself and wellbeing ranging from food to clothing, medical issues. Bills
The importance of money
This right here affects every other thing I’ve mentioned so far, infact without money you can do none of these things. You get really value money and financial freedom, your spending, saving and multiplication of money are key factors one cannot overlook if not you run out of cash or end up acquiring a great number of debts. Money is very important but then it’s all about planning and finding solutions to better you means of living.
No Pressure, No Pressure!
You don’t actually have to move out of your parents house to feel like an adult or that you are moving up the ladder. It’s more reasonable to be at home and amass a certain degree of finance and start up something strong and lasting before moving out. No pressure guys!! You don’t have to move out or feel small because you still live in your parents house it’s better than rushing to move out and then back in. Take your time till the time is right and if you actually feel it’s not necessary don’t move out.
Let’s hear your thought.
What is your take on moving out?
At what age should one move out of their family house?
What other challenges have you faced since you moved out?
Do you think money is a key factor?